We cordially invite you to the opening of this year's interactive scenography. Vernissage: 18/04 | 17:00. Free entrance.
Spectrum of Light. Exposure to Colour is a series of sensual interactive settings in the space of the Self-service Museum, accompanied by an educational programme.
As part of the several-year series, we explore the qualities of the successive colours of the visible light spectrum. Each colour is characterised by a different frequency and energy, which we experience through our presence in the interactive setting. We invite everyone, regardless of age, to play freely and intuitively.
The interactive setting Exposure to Colour. Green is a space for experiencing this colour in an experimental way. It consists of interactive zones which you can spontaneously explore to experience the colour through your senses. Immersion in greenness is an invitation to slow down, relax and gently adjust your nervous system. Feel the soft, soothing surroundings that will tenderly envelop your body, breathe easily and gently release emotions.
keywords: acceptance, inner peace, healing, trust, compassion, openness, tenderness
Sink your gaze into the green shades of the landscape and feel a part of it. The ocean of love has no shore. You are part of a divine creation that looks at you every day. Be aware of it and look back at reality with tenderness. Then adopt a creator's perspective, play with the moving images and freely shape the greenness around you.
Mother Earth loves all creation. Follow the tender cord of the liana with your touch. At its end you will find a vulnerable being. Press it to your heart. Think of it as an invitation to connect with your inner child. Hug yourself.
A child embraced by mother feels inner peace and blissful oneness with her. Re-enter this state by allowing yourself to be embraced by the moss and covering yourself with the heavy hand. Relax and feel the soothing weight and unconditional acceptance. Remember: you are wanted and you are accepted.
Can you notice when words are full of love? The way we express ourselves is important. Regardless of the content, every sentence has its own vibration. When a message is coming from the heart, we react by relaxing. Surrender to the tenderness that comes from the warm words.
Air is an element that brings us all together. Listen to the meditation. Did you know that breathing has the power to instantly regulate the nervous system? Observe the changes in the way you breathe when feeling different emotions. Immerse yourself in them with slow, deep breathing and allow them to flow freely through you. We all feel in a similar way and need soothing in equal measure.
Designers of the interactive setting:
Patrycja Mastej – visual artist, illustrator, designer of interactive exhibitions, painter. Assistant professor at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław. She has been cooperating with Wrocław Contemporary Museum since 2012 as the initiator and designer of interactive exhibitions in the Self-service Museum series. Her activities focus in the field of contemporary art and design. Co-laureate of the wARTo Cultural Award in 2009 for the "Interactive Playground" project. She regularly organises personal exhibitions in which she explores processes related to memory and body awareness using the creative method of Butoh dancers.
Magdalena Skowrońska – psychologist, art historian, designer of interactive exhibitions. From 2014 to 2017 she curated the educational programme at Wrocław Contemporary Museum. In 2015–2017 she collaborated with the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Desing in Wrocław as a lecturer in the Art Mediation course. She is focused on self-development, constantly expanding her repertoire of psychotherapeutic skills, with a particular focus on psychotherapy through the body, which she uses in art, during sensory workshops and in her work with clients.
Zaproszenie na oprowadzanie w PJM po wystawie Spektrum Światła / Ekspozycja na kolor. Zielony (i nie tylko!).

Projekt „Spektrum światła” dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury – państwowego funduszu celowego.